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Saturday, September 4, 2010

I want out. Let me Out.

Okay, so maybe we haven’t all been there. But there comes a time when perhaps the majority of us feels that there should be more… that there could be more… if only. So why is it so hard for people to just stop? Sure I love my car, my home, my belongings as much as the next person. But, do I love it enough to be a slave for it? I have become a prisoner of my environment. And while I’ve driven down that road many times knowing that I don’t want to go down there, I continue to do so. Only this time I am aware of my situation. I look around and I see that people are not aware. That they believe this is how life should really be. They fear the system and they long for that fear. People don’t really want to be free. They wouldn’t know what to do with freedom. Yet people complain and gripe about wanting it. We know that the oil companies make too much money. So why don’t we all just stop using oil? What if we all took a stand and put our hands up and told the government how it should be. Isn’t this how it should work anyway? The government should be here for the people, not the people for the government. We are slaves. Jim Morrison realized this when he exclaimed, “You’re all a bunch of slaves, What are you gonna do about it”? It seems like a lot of people that have “unplugged” have wound up dead. It seems the NWO is not without a sense of irony. Yet, I’m as guilty as the next person. My ideal of standing up is running away. Far away. Like to Tibet or the Moon even. The problem is one person cannot stand on his own. The majority of people feel the government is too powerful to overthrow. This is an illusion you’ve been made to feel. Turn off your television, stop eating fast food, and open your eyes. Global Warming is real. The New World Order is real. Money, power, fame, hate, racism, lying, cheating, dog eat dog, is not the answer. Love is. It’s the meaning to everything. Love comes in many forms. So if you feel love is a dying cause- love someone. Love many. And by this I don’t mean cheat on your partner. You would think after all these years of evolution mankind would get something right. Man. Man happens to be the cause of every problem in the world. Just look back on the history of things. Slavery. And now we have this form of freedom but it is wool over our eyes. We are slaves.


  1. Nicely said. I felt like a slave for a long time. I have a post called "Break through" from July it was a moment that set me free. I hope you find your freedom. Writing is a great way to let it go..Let it out. My blog from my first post is my attempt at freedom. Good luck to you. I will be following along on your journey.

    Much Love.

  2. Thanks Deanne for stopping by and reading. I will have other blogs coming soon, probably of much more interest than a rant. :)

    I will check out your blogs asap!

  3. I have done my fair share of ranting on my own blog....lol It's OK...it helps release and clear the stuff that no longer serve us! looking forward to more posts! And ranting is just sharing your feeling so that is OK too! It's honest and real and that is what I like!

  4. "All we need to do is make sure we keep talking..." Pink Floyd

